

Estimado Vinilo (Dear Vinyl)

Meet  Eduardo Lugea, who rents out the loft of an old bookstore and sells his record collection that he has kept since adolescence. He lit up when I asked him to put on an old Beatles record, saying how happy it made him to see people separated by 50 years enjoying the same music. "La misma sensación que tienes cuando lo escuches, yo tengo también. Esa es la magia de la música. Que compartimos esa sensación entre las generaciones." (The same feeling you have when you listen to it, I have as well. That is the magic of music, to be able to share that feeling between generations)


 "Me da pena a ver ciertos discos cuando se vayan. (It pains me to see certain ones go)"  he continued.

"Like which ones?"

After a moment: 

"Los Rolling Stones."

"Then why sell them?"

"I'm old, and they are just objects. Where will they go when I'm gone? But still, it hurts."


Eduardo Luega, Estimado Vinilo,  San Telmo, Buenos Aires

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