

wsnc: video installation

The last couple months I've gotten the opportunity to collaborate with another talented WFU artist on a video/sculpture site specific installation. (see Sean's stuff here

The collaboration process in making an artwork was new to me, but one I really enjoyed. The piece, wsnc, was founded on the idea of exploration, of leaving the familiar and venturing out into a city we didn't know much about but had lived in for 3 years. As most Wake students can attest to, it is easy to get stuck on campus, and when students leave, most don't venture past downtown venues, bars, and restaurants. With this piece, a 3 channel projection installation with sculptural and found object elements, we sought to seek, find, and reveal a Winston-Salem to ourselves and to viewers. 

After early mornings and hours shooting driving around town, deliberations over projections, happy accidents, and navigating every decision as a team, we arrived at the final piece. 
It was shown only for a night before being torn down, walls and all, at an exhibit along other video and sculpture students. Below is the evidence of its brief existence.